Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thirsty Thursdays: New Year, New You

Before the final minutes of 2016 are counted down, Brian and Kyle sat down to discuss New Years Resolutions. Both try to figure out if they enjoy them, if they actually accomplish anything from them, and the worst resolutions there are. Bonus part of the episode includes Advice Corner and the new segment Trivia Challenge.

Comment, follow, and of course recommend us to all your friends. If you retweet the tweet this is send out in, you will gain a follow from me.

Also, comment on this post with the best New Years resolution and you will win a prize from us. I promise. This isn't like a mad up thing. You will get something in return. So, don't blow this opportunity. We're not made of prizes.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thirsty Thursdays: Women Be Shoppin

Your favorite Quarter-life Crisis podcast is back, and just in time for those couples out there.

Brian and I (this is Kyle, by the way) sat down to get into holiday spirit. Instead of focusing on family, this time they focus on their girlfriends and how they aim to make this holiday season one of a kind. Topics such as holiday traditions, gift giving, and even a look ahead to Valentines Day are brought up in the 30 minute episode.

Follow us on Soundcloud and I swear on my girlfriend's Christmas presents that we will follow you back. Comment with questions and thoughts and we will make sure to take it into consideration/ bring them up in an episode.

If you recommend us to a friend and a friend comments, you will for sure get brought up and we will put you into our Top 8 of listeners. Yeah, that's a timely MySpace reference. Remember when Justin Timberlake bought a share of MySpace. More like Justin Tom-berlake. Nailed it.

Also be on the look out for our Bachelor podcast, Bachelor Party, coming next week. Brian and i get you read for the upcoming season by previewing the girls and giving you our top 4.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thirsty Thursdays: Home for the Holidays


That's right. It's another attempt at a podcast. This time Brian and I ( this is Kyle. Not sure you knew that. Whatever.) Have decided that we wanted to discuss out quarter-life crisis' with you great people. Each week we crack open a beer and discuss a central theme in our lives and how our thoughts and views have changed from college to now.

If you are in college, this is a good way to learn about adulthood and prepare for that time where you are no longer allowed to drink on a random Tuesday. If you are an adult, well you probably have these problems too and we will make you feel normal about dreading these things.

Our first topic is Holidays and spending them at home. Besides the "funny" banter, we also have advice at the end to help you learn.

It's like 20 minutes, so you don't have to spend your whole day getting through it. Also, comment with your thoughts, questions, favorite moment, or favorite beer. Maybe we will review that beer and judge you!

Next weeks topic: Holidays and Girlfriends. Stay tuned for that!