Monday, January 30, 2017

Bachelor Party Sleepers

Bachelor fans, it is time to admit this season is going to be a wash. This is the point in the year where you aren’t too surprised by who leaves and who stays, and start seeing storylines recycled. It’s like the dog days of summer in baseball, where you are hopping something spices things up.

This season has had Corrine, and we should be hoping she continues to steal the screen with her seductive ways and naps. Gotta love a good nap.

Though this is kind of a down time, you should start prepping those fantasy teams for sleepers. Players who are going to go a little bit further, get some more screen time, and possibly cause a little drama in the house. Yeah, you might have a Whitney, who could go far, but she isn’t adding much. Instead, you grab an Alexis or Jasmine, and hope for the best.

Anyway, last week’s Bachelor in Paradise was not recorded because I had the flu and doing anything past 9 pm was tough. So, I instead texted Brian and asked for this sleepers this week.

His Response: Raven was big time, obviously. Kristina also getting the group rose was pretty sleeperish. You can mention that I am worried about Sarah because they have legitimately zero screen time together, even though she is always on.”

So first, Raven has been sneakily my favorite since she talked about football on Friday nights in her hometime. Having her get a one-on-one was a surprise, and considering in that time he met Nick’s parents I don’t  know how she isn’t final 5 material.

Second, Kristina was Brian’s pick from the get-go. I discounted her because she has an accent and Nick talks a lot. Instead, she is now getting more screen time and causing drama. Sleeping on Kristina is dumb because she is destined for a one-on-one soon.

Lastly, Brian is right. Sarah may be our first casualty in terms of our picks. Brian probably should get rid of her and pick up Kristina or Raven. I liked Sarah’s intro and she has had time on the show, but Nick is starting to actually show connections with multiple girls and she is not one of them. However, a big contender for my Bachelor in Paradise selection- more on that later.

Taking a look at last week, according to, brian’s team of Corrine, Danielle M and Sarah got 120. My team of Rachel, Vanessa and Jasmine G got 80. Brain is in the lead for the overall contest because of fucking Corrine. Legit the best first round draft choice in the history of drafts. I can’t be mad either.

So, here is the part where I tell you who is a big sleeper for this week…. And it’s Taylor.

Why Taylor though? Well, if you watched the look ahead, she is getting a 2-on-1. Does she win (SPOILER) I don’t think so. We still have Corrine’s crazy night of trying to hook up with Nick and ABC is making that a 2 parter.  She is causing Drama though and with more screen time, she is going to get a ton of points. I have to think she will be in top 5 in points and if you are like me and trying to get back into this thing, points really matter right now.

Bachelor party will be back this week. Comment questions or concerns about your team and we will help. Again, thank you to They are the true MVPs.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Bachelor Party Episode 2

After an exciting week of wedding gowns, crying, and an unexpected boot, Brian and i discussed fantasy value after the latest episode of The Bachelor.

Listen as we break down each other's teams (Brian won, I hate him), who some sleepers are (That's so Raven), and bid ado to those who left (R.I.P. IN PEACE.)

Listen. Comment. Tell us you like/hate us. I need something here.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thirsty Thursdays: Diets are for the birds

A week after we broke down how to get in shape this year, Brian and I went the extra mile and talked about dieting.

To be honest with you, I am dieting and thought it was a good time to hear about how much I hate everything. I tried to be more optimistic, but I don't know if it worked. I did get Brian to compliment me though, which is the secret reason I started this blog. If you want to compliment me too, just comment below.

Comments, questions or complaints can be filed below. COMMENT. PLEASE! WE WILL GIVE YOU A SHOUT OUT....

Speaking of which our former top listeners, Curtis, gets another shout out! That went well.


Friday, January 6, 2017

Fantasy Bachelor: Sleepers and who to avoid before Week 2

Fantasy Bachelor season in in full swing. Well, Since Brian and I held our drafts for our own teams on our own Fantasy Teams on our very own Fntasy Bachelor Podcast- You can check that out here!

Brian picked: Corrine, Danielle M. and Sarah, 

I picked: Rachel, Vanessa and Jasmine G.   /

Soild teams. Granted, it is just the two of us so we are bound to have all-star players throughout the team. My brother's, cousin and I are in a 4 person fantasy baseball league and, holy shit, each team has so many all-stars on it. it's not like one of those other drafts where you get in the later round and act like you know who you are picking, when in actuality you are just hoping this guy hasn't been injured already. You know everyone and having your team full of all stars is a lot more fun.

When I was a Fantasy Bachelor Commissioner just a season ago, I installed a waiver wire system. Basically, in a large league where every girl could be picked by a max of 2 teams, if your lady did not recieve a rose I gave you the chance to drop the dead weight and add someone who was on only 1 or zero teams. It's very common in other fantasy sports when someone is out for the year and you need to still compete. 

Now, most leagues might not have a waiver wire. That is dumb and your commissioner doesn't love you if that is the case. And if your Fantasy Bachelor Commissioner doens't love you, well your family probably doesn't think too kindly of you either. I recommend trying to get this system in place because often a quiet lady on night 1 will find her way into the final 5 and you could be collecting points through those rounds as opposed to realizing that bright star on the first episode was actually the worst.

Each week I would like to give you a couple of options that are safe bets to get you on the board, This week, as fantasy teams are all in good shape, may be a little rough. You aren't going to drop anyone on a chance and I understand that. However, if you have a funny feeling that that reach you had in the final round of the draft was too risky or you want to seem smart infant of your friends, families and coworkers, you may want to jump on these. 


Now the crowd I was with did not like Christine from the get-go. She was the one in the yellow dress who came out with a fan. I'll admit not the best start, but her dancing lessons moved her on to the next round. She is do for a group due this episode and, since she made a nice  impact on day one, I see her staying for at least one more round.


If you want wild card points, Josephine is going to bring it. It's her personality and sometimes that can be do or die depending on The Bachelor. I looked at the tape, and Josephine has some cameo's in plenty of clips. I don't think they just shot those in one episode, so if you need someone to stay a little longer, safe bet right here. 


Brian hated the hump joke, but in terms of early impressions, it worked. You can't use that line in this week's episode, but he knows who you are. You will go on a group date and a chance to open up more will always help. Ice is broken and we may learn more about lacy this episode that lands her a rose. 

Runner up: Christine L- I think she may be picked up in many leagues, but a solid top 4 contestant that will get a one-on-one within the near future.



I have no notes on her. She was a ghost after she was introduced and before she was announced to move on. She may have made it because who is going to forget a name like Astrid? Name gets you past round one, but being silent will not get you past round two.

Is there an animal fight club in my backyard: an investigation

This morning, as I was I packing up my car for this weekend, I noticed fur on the doormat outside my house. It wasn't just a single color of fur, but multicolor- much like what you would see on a raccoon. Also, it wast just one patch, but like 4 small patches and one large patch that looked like skin/ blood was attached to it. Fridays, amirite?

Now, there has been some raccoons around my neighborhood before, but I don't know what they do in the winter. I figured they head south or hibernate or die. I really don't get animals to be honest. Before you run to google to answer the question that I have been thinking about all morning, I may have cracked the case on where this fur came from. 

Fight Club. 

Now here me out. My mother/roommate was alarmed when I informed her of the pieces of animal outside the door. Animals usually lurk outside of our home, and she informed me that there was a cat recently sitting in front of our garbage cans starring at her as she looked at her window one night (legit a very creepy story to keep on the back burner). She's not the biggest animal fan, and I get that. She gave me the biggest clue to crack this case; last night she heard animals right outside the backdoor. Not like talking, but getting angry at each other.
Where there is smoke, you bet your bottom dollar there is fire. Fur and animal noises = fight. It's not like there is food on my back porch for the animals to try and get. There wasn't a dead animal  that you could link the fur to nearby either. This fur was the result of two animals proving their strength and starting a fight club. 

Also, we all know that animals receive pop culture news later than the rest of the world. They are probably just getting into that late 90's phase and had their mind blown by the Brad Pitt/ Edward Norton classic and wanted to try it out. They probably think Jared Leto was pretty good in that movie, but should stick to music. Animals are dumb. 

I'm on to their games. Kind of a dick move on their part, though, to not clean up there mess and thus ruining the first and second rule of fight club.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thirsty Thursdays: We're Gonna Pump You Up

We are back in the year 2017! We have some big news coming out the next few days, but lets start with a (late) episode of Thirsty Thursday!

Brian and I sat down with two fresh beers, to discus what was a lot of people's New Years Resolution: EXERCISE! That's right. We have terrible gym stories, reasons why you should work out rather than sit on the couch, and we even give you EXTRA motivation with our advice corner at the end.

Good news for one of our listeners, we gave you a shout out. We aren't going to say who, but it is in there. Also, if you have any suggestions on what we should talk about, or even possibly want to join the guys for a beer, COMMENT! LIKE THIS! PLEASE!


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bachelor Party Episode 1

"Finally! A podcast about The Bachelor and Fantasy Sports!"- Said everyone who has ever lived in America.

That's right. Brian and I, both Champions in the Fantasy Sports realm, love The Bachelor/Bachelorette. We also love competing in things. With that said, we have started what I am calling the best Fantasy Bachelor Podcast in the world. That's right, I am calling it that. You can too. It's really not that hard.

This first episode, we gave a run down on what happened with the introductions, highlighted four key players to look out for, and held our own mock draft.

Later this week, we are going to be discussing sleepers to snag on the waiver wire post draft.

Also, shout out to They are doing a lot of work, and if you like reading you can check out their scoring. Tell them WhatSupTho sent you though. Then we can all become friends.

Of course, we want to hear from you. Did you like this? Did you hate this? What do you want us to change/ highlight? We are all ears.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bachelor Week 1- Winners and Losers

Episode one of the Bachelor had a lot of things we love about the show- drinks, sharks, first impressions and people ocming out of a limo. Probably not the most memorable first episode. I meamn Shark Dolphin girl will be talked about for awhile, the red dresses are a thing I am sure girls will avoid for awhile and I bet camels will be a new trend. 

Overall, I did enjoy what I saw. The first 30 minutes was based on making people like Nick. Short of him saving someones life, I think it was a decent job. He is a family guy and looks he works out in Chicago. What a great guy! Kidding of course. I feel bad for his family (see below).

Then you met some girls, met even more girls, saw people fight for time and then some tears. Basically a classic Friday night in a college town. 

Brian and I will discuss this more in the First Episode of The Bachelor Party, your go to fantasy bachelor podcast. We have sleepers, the up-and-comers and more thoughts. 

While we all reflect on what went on, though, I have some winners and losers. 


Me for rocking my onesie- It's really tough as a 25 year old to wear a onesie. When I got it for Christmas, I had to rack my brain as to when I could wear it and The Bachelor was one of my first thoughts. I also rocked the shit out of it. New year, New me. 

Camel owners- If I own a Camel farm, I am advertising that hump joke as often as possible. Hell, I am calling ABC today and asking how many camels they would like for next year. A good hump joke and a pretty lady- it's a deadly combo. 

Neil Lang- Normally, Neil hangs back. He is a favorite at the end as he brings beautiful rings to start what is sure to be an ever lasting marriage. He is that quiet hero on a championship team that people forget about, but when it comes time to show praise they remember his part in it all. Getting him on episode one was a treat, and I am surprised that it took this long for someone to think about that. Kind of creepy though to call your shot with the ring. 

Wisconsin- I spent New Years in the state, so they got a boost for that. However, with Nick originally being from Wisconsin and a couple of contestants bonding over it with him, including one of my favorites Whitney, I think I can overlook my hatred for the Packers and give Wisconsin a tip of the hat 

Jimmy Kimmel- No one is reaping the benefits of The Bachelor becoming such a hit then this guy. Most talk shows want to be the one right after the Super Bowl and i legit think he just wants to keep his spot right after The bachelor. He gets those random people on his show, stirs up drama, and has easy jokes with there. 


Olivia- Look, I lived in Alaska for two months. So I am basically from the great white north (no idea if this is what that state actually goes by). Her Eskimo Kiss idea was, in my opinion, one of the best first impressions. So, now that she didn't make it because Nick sucks, the idea was wasted. 

Red Dresses- You know no one will touch a red dress at the beginning of next season. You could say they are winners, but it seems like they got a bad rep and will be avoided for a little while. no way 15 more red dresses are worn this season. 

Nick's family- They were used to shed light on their shitty kid. To prove he really isn't that bad. it's like a political flaunting his family, when in the end they are actually terrible human beings. No amount of cute kids throwing pepperonis on a pizza will help me convince that Nick was fine. 

Dolphin Trainers- You know the people who spent years becoming dolphin trainers are being sent clips of Alexis throwing treats to her dog, saying she is wearing a dolphin costume (WHEN IF YOU SEARCH SHARK COSTUME THIS IS THE FIRST THING THAT COMES UP!), and plenty more tidbits from one of my favorites from the first night. If I went to school for something difficult and someone kind of shit on it on The Bachelor, I think I would be pissed off too. 

Keep an ear our for Bachelor Party, coming out tomorrow. We will be your go to Fantasy source for The Bachelor.