Sunday, December 14, 2014

Time to squash the beef

With baseball seeming to be relevant again in Chicago, fans from both sides seem to be pretty excited. They should be.

The White Sox have added some pieces to a bullpen that ranked 28th last season in ERA, traded for a left handed top of the rotation starter, and signed Melky Cabrera. The northside traded for one of the best defensive catchers in the game in terms of pitch framing, signed a manager who wants to win and buy rounds for everyone, and also signed a pitcher by the name of Jon Lester.

It has been a great winter for Chicago baseball after Chicago football was a huge disappointment. It gives hope for a spring that will (hopefully) be here sooner rather than later. While we wait for pitchers and catchers report, lets get one thing straight : The Cubs and Soxs are barely rivals.

Yes, they share a city. If you share a city, there is going to be bad blood as fans of each team argue year round on who is better (or worse as it has been the last few years.) The BP Cups is only 6 games. 6 out of 162. While it is nice to win those and take what little bragging rights are available, there shouldn't be a carry over affect. Fans of either team should be happy for the other and stop the hate until the teams play.

This offseason has seemed to bring out the worst in some Chicago baseball fans. Cubs fans saying the Sox are still "irrelevant" and have no fans to go to games, Sox fans mocking the Cubs process. I am not saying every fan does it, but for some reason there seems to be a bad taste in many Baseball fans mouth and the need to spit it out on others who do not cheer for their team.

As a Cubs fan, I will admit I wasn't happy when the White Sox won the World Series in 2005. I wanted the Cubs to win before the Sox. I was young, dumb, and jealous. Since,  I have grown up and realized how little the Sox mean to the Cubs success and vice versa.

As far as arguments go, the argument that people don't go to the Sox games is dumb. Yeah, we have seen the photos of US Celluar empty, but does it really matter? Games are expensive and if your team isn't performing, it isn't always worth going.

Baseball, I believe, is the best sport when your team is winning. A baseball high is better than a football high, basketball high, and a hockey high. Now both teams have a chance to take a hit off of the proverbial bong this coming spring.

Why waste time bashing another team that you will only see for 4 percent of the baseball season? I get not liking each other for those 6 games, but right now is time to rejoice in what each team has and not what they don't.

Games will still need to be played. Both teams aren't exactly stamping their ticket to the World Series yet, but every reason to be excited. This shouldn't be a summer looking forward to the fall but instead to enjoy the moment, whomever you cheer for.

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