Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Rose Before Hoes- Bachelor Recap 1/19

First of all, fuck you ABC. Don’t plug your shows right in my face like this. I love Jimmy Kimmel and think he is the funniest of all of the late night hosts, but I don’t need him to come on and make a joke out of this show. The fun of watching “The Bachelor” is that it is a complete joke in itself. It’s an awful TV show that nobody takes seriously other than the people that are on it. Don’t ruin it for us by letting us know it’s just a big joke to you as well.

That being said, Kaitlyn’s date was the most real date I have ever seen on the show. I’m not just saying this because she is easily my favorite contestant and I might actually be in love with her (seeing them sick made me actually jealous). But the reason you see all of these couples break up, besides the fact that they met on a reality show where one of them dated 20 people at once, is that they are used to dates with fucking helicopters and private concerts and shit. The Costco trip is some shit what an actual couple will be doing. Whether or not it’s a famous Jimmy Kimmel, there will be some guy friends that come around and make shit awkward and Kaitlyn fit right in with them. If this doesn’t go a long way for Chris realizing she’s a keeper, he’s just as stupid as the concept of this show. I would gladly take her off his hands.

I fucking hate Jillian and her stupid “I work out” attitude. Do you have anything else about your personality? Because that’s all you’ve talked about since being here.

I would never make it to this goat milk challenge, as I break the yolk of about 80% of the eggs I crack. I like this Carly girl who won the hoe down, but I really hope she has a reaction to her lactose intolerance while on the date.

Chris Soules? More like Kiss Soules.
Hmmm… they have a conversation about meeting strangers and being able to make friends. Then there is a wedding that they decide to crash. This doesn’t feel set up does it? Just goes to show you that anything can happen on “Reality TV” as long as the producers set it up perfectly.

His abs weren’t THAT ripped…

Holy shit Juelia is still here? Also, bringing up her husband’s suicide at a pool party was a bold move. Now what is he supposed to do? Go do another cannonball? This is some really sad shit. Do you know how hard of a time that baby is gonna have growing up with a name like “Ireland”?

Ashley I. might be just as crazy as Ashley S. Must run in the name.

Farewell to- Tracy (call me), Amber (text me), and whoever the blonde girl was (see ya around).

PS- I am murdering my Bachelor bracket right now. I've done nothing but lose money on sports over the few months, but when it comes to reality love shows? I'm filthy stinkin' rich.

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