Friday, February 27, 2015

Dress and Llamas or whatever

What a day for bloggers like me. Some llamas broke out of a zoo or something and ran around and everyone watched. Then some shitty photographer took a picture of a dress with a shitty camera and it made the colors look different. Wow. Some really interesting shit. Let's talk about it, because apparently we have to.

Llama video link.

Wow. Look at those llamas go. Looks like the emperor lost his groove again.

This stupid fucking news story (although pretty hilarious) led to the internet getting super annoying yesterday and the most annoying of all annoying internet sites got to make a "Which runaway llama are you?" quiz because of course they fucking did. Jesus.

Then you have this dress. This god damn dress that you've seen a billion times and will probably be made into the most popular Halloween costume come October because of who gives a shit.

Image result for dress viral

Is it black and blue? Is it white and gold? Fuck you. Evidently science proved that it was black and blue so there you go. Fun is over.

The people who are freaking out about being annoyed by this are just as bad as the people posting them. This is gonna happen. The enemy is not the fucking llamas. The enemy is not the ugly dress. It's not the people who are posting too much, and it's not the people posting complaints. THE ENEMY IS BUZZFEED. Holy shit that is the worst site in the world. Go take a look at the site right now. It's vomit inducing. These two stories are pretty cool, but I can't help but hate them because of those fucking pieces of shit are over there "winning the internet" and "not believing what happens next". Fuck buzzfeed and those who visit it. While I'm at it, fuck Elite Daily too. It's just buzzfeed for pompous douche bags. Keep reading real sites by the real people. Keep reading WhatSupTho

Friday, February 20, 2015

WhatSupTho Podcast: The Gang is Back! Kind of...

So,  I wasn't lazy and decided to edit the video a little faster. You can also just watch last weeks and kind of marathon them. Your welcome for making you Friday better.

We talk about "The Club" , Basketball, movies, and humble bragging .

Comment if you want us to talk about something.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

WhatSupTho Pdcast: Coming Off The Bye Week

Here is the latest podcast. I could be mad at myself for not posting it earlier, but I am not going to be. Youtube takes awhile to fix my edits and by the time it has done it has made me watch a lot of random videos that I forget who I am and what is going on.

Anyway, the guys talk about the latest "holiday" , why white college basketball players are the worst, and the progress of Fahey's beard.

Thanks to Kenny Wade for commenting. If you comment we can talk about your suggestion. If you don't, we don't have to do shit. Up to you. Lylas.

Klinsmann Has The Idea

The United States men's soccer team sucks in the work cup, why? Lack of talent, plain and simple. We might have a few good players but normally fail to even make it past the group stage and if we do make it past that's considered a successful run. Obviously soccer isn't our game but what happened in last year's world cup could be an example of how to make it our game and compete.

Last year the U.S's new coach Jurgen Hlinsmann had to shake up the team because he saw the U.S talent was poor. He went on to bring five new skilled players from Germany who have spent most of their lives living and playing overseas. There were also other players already on the team with dual citizenship.

This ultimately gave a spark on the team and they were able to make it past the "group of death" who no one expected would happen. They eventually fell to Belgium in a close game in one of the most exciting runs I have seen so far.

All you needed was the eye test and it was evident there as more skill on the field than previous world cups.

According to Inc magazine, 25% of today's newly started businesses in the United States are started by immigrants, and are two times more likely to start a business than native born citizens.

I think it's safe to say the good ole red white and blue are seriously lacking in talent and creativity when competing at the global scale.

As of right now it's very difficult for immigrants to get highly skilled work visas and even more difficult to maintain residency due to the political game in Washington. This results in U.S based tech companies having a hard time getting the best talent available and potential U.S immigrants going elsewhere. As a country we are losing the global game and need immigration reform.

If we weren't allowed to get these players on our U.S team we would have gotten murdered in the group stage.

In order for the United States to compete on a global scale and remain an economic power we need the best skilled people who just happen be non U.S citizens. It sucks but that's the reality.

Sure, we can keep our American pride of mediocrity and get our asses kicked in the group stage. Or we can compete on a global scale, swallow our pride and get these immigrants in here to kick some ass.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

JRW lose Little League title because parents ruin everything

Remember these kids? Remember this summer when they made people without children under the age of 14 give a shit about Little League again? Hell, remember when they made Chicago give a shit about baseball again? Well since a few asshole adults cared too much about boys playing a boys game they are now being nationally shamed and have had their championship stripped of them.

We all know that parents suck. The worst part about being a coach (as I would imagine I will find out soon enough) is dealing with the parents. There are the parents who bitch about their kid not getting enough playing time when all their son is good for is picking the dandelions out of right field. There are the parents who take the game way too seriously and end up having to watch from the parking lot because they called the ump an asshole. Then there are the parents who make the game about them and end up making their children despise the sports that are supposed to be fun because they have way too much pressure on them. When you think about it, that's what this whole story has been about.

Take the Jackie Robinson West Little League. Evidently they have been expanding their boundaries in order to make a super team that can qualify for the Great Lakes Region every year and make it to Williamsport. These parents are blatantly cheating the rules of a sport that gives out fucking treat tickets at the end of each game so the kids can go get a fucking air head or a slush puppy (gotta get suicide slush or else you're a nerd). This is suppose to be a game for kids. I have often talked with my Little League teammates about how good we could have been if we combined the 3 leagues in my city, and of course we would have been studs, but it didn't mean that much to us. It was fun to play and I made a lot of amazing memories but if our parents would have gotten together to cheat just so we can play a few games on TV? What kind of message is that sending to the kids?

Then you have a guy like Chris Janes, who is the whistle blower and league official of Evergreen Park Little League. JRW beat his team by a score of 43-2 on their way through the state tournament. It might take the White Sox 30 games to score 43 runs and these kids did it in 4 innings. Coach Chris apparently didn't take kindly to this ass whooping given to him by 12 and 13 year olds, so he made it his life's work to go on a full CSI investigation on JRW, looking at birth certificates, voting registrations, all this unbelievable shit about a fucking child's baseball game. GROW THE FUCK UP! Even if you take away the kid who had to drive just a little bit further to make it to his baseball game, your team still would have lost by 30. How does this guy find the time to go all Hardy Boys on a baseball team of boys who haven't reached high school yet? Does spending that much time on this classify him as a pedophile? It should. Also, at least he doesn't look like a bigot or anything.
Image result for chris janes

Now the title goes to that asshole team in Las Vegas with all of their prick players who yell at the coaches. Fuck those parents, too, for raising shitty bitchy children. Nice championship kids, you really earned it.
Image result for las vegas little league cry
 By the way, when did we start giving championships that have been stripped to the second place teams? Does that mean the Illini are gonna get the 2005 championship that North Carolina had taken from them? Does Vince Young get Reggie Bush's Heisman Trophy? No, so fuck these kids.

In the end we know this doesn't really matter. The kids still got to have a parade, go to the White House, get honored all across the city and will always have the memories of who really won those games. It is just a shame that these little boys who just wanted to play a boys game have to go through all of this when the people who are really at fault are the asshole adults who put way too much pressure on their kids in the first place. Sports are supposed to be fun, and somewhere along the way we lose sight of that. At least my boy Trey Hondras has something else to talk to the ladies about now.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Budweiser at a full on war with craft beer

This Super Bowl, Budweiser stole our hearts for the gazillionth time with the newest version of the Clydesdale and puppy commercial. It's gotten to the point where I don't understand why other businesses even try to compete. They are the best at advertising year after year. However, it was Budweiser's commercial that really warmed my heart. 

"The people who drink our beer are the people who like to drink beer"

Pretty much just coming out and saying that you are a pussy if you don't drink Budweiser. Those who drink Budweiser are on a whole different drinking level than everyone else, but we don't need to be snooty about it. Just give me the golden suds, not trying to dissect what goes into it and sniff it or whatever the fuck those craft losers do. 

Well in a typical craft beer snob move, those nerds didn't take to kindly to Budweiser telling the world what everyone knows. Apparently they had a problem with how their people were portrayed in the commercial. I think they were pretty spot on. Now there is a bunch of backlash from these pussies, including a liquor store that's letting their customers exchange Bud for craft beer. They call the promotion "Craft for Crap". They went all the way back to 2nd grade and brought back the word "crap". That's just the type of people we are dealing with here I guess.

So now we are at war, and I am ready. Put me on the front fucking lines. I'll be the Bud's top soldier. Soon Brad Cooper will be acting out my story in the Oscar nominated film "American Drinker". If those snooty craft bitches want a war (which they shouldn't) then they have one. 

Image result for come at the king gif

PS- Apparently they are super happy that craft beer sells more than Budweiser now. No shit, there is a million craft beer brands and they are trying to compete with one beer. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

New Favorite Vine/ Scene in a Movie/ Thing Tom Cruise has done

I love a select few things in this world and one of those things is my Alma Mater, the University of Illinois at Urban-  Champaign.

Ever since I have graduated, I traveled down to my favorite part of Illinois plenty of times. Sometimes it is for work, sometimes it is for drinking, sometimes it's a mixture of both work and drinking (this is more likely). Whenever I know I am traveling down, I don't need extra motivation. I look forward to it all week and, like a kid on christmas morning, I wake up the day of my trip down to central Illinois full of anticipation on what is about to come.

Well, last night, I saw a vine posted on twitter from an Illinois Sports Blogger that  now be posted every time I travel down to U of I

The scene comes from the Tom Cruise classic "Risky Business. "From what I remember from the movie I watched on Cinemax (more like Skin-e-max!) when I was 11, Cruise has the house to himself, his friend calls him a square, he gets a prostitute, prostitute steals his stuff, hilarity ensues . Booger from Revenge of the Nerds is in it too. Well, my new favorite quote in movies was set up after Tom realizes that his last ditch effort to get into an Ivy league school has been for nothing and he will not make it in.

(Check out the full scene here)

I saw a comment saying, "I wonder if this ruins a degree from Illinois." It doesn't. The scene is rad. Illinois is rad. Ivy league is not rad . Like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie.

Vine provided by Robert