"The people who drink our beer are the people who like to drink beer"
Pretty much just coming out and saying that you are a pussy if you don't drink Budweiser. Those who drink Budweiser are on a whole different drinking level than everyone else, but we don't need to be snooty about it. Just give me the golden suds, not trying to dissect what goes into it and sniff it or whatever the fuck those craft losers do.
Well in a typical craft beer snob move, those nerds didn't take to kindly to Budweiser telling the world what everyone knows. Apparently they had a problem with how their people were portrayed in the commercial. I think they were pretty spot on. Now there is a bunch of backlash from these pussies, including a liquor store that's letting their customers exchange Bud for craft beer. They call the promotion "Craft for Crap". They went all the way back to 2nd grade and brought back the word "crap". That's just the type of people we are dealing with here I guess.
So now we are at war, and I am ready. Put me on the front fucking lines. I'll be the Bud's top soldier. Soon Brad Cooper will be acting out my story in the Oscar nominated film "American Drinker". If those snooty craft bitches want a war (which they shouldn't) then they have one.
PS- Apparently they are super happy that craft beer sells more than Budweiser now. No shit, there is a million craft beer brands and they are trying to compete with one beer.
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