Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Klinsmann Has The Idea

The United States men's soccer team sucks in the work cup, why? Lack of talent, plain and simple. We might have a few good players but normally fail to even make it past the group stage and if we do make it past that's considered a successful run. Obviously soccer isn't our game but what happened in last year's world cup could be an example of how to make it our game and compete.

Last year the U.S's new coach Jurgen Hlinsmann had to shake up the team because he saw the U.S talent was poor. He went on to bring five new skilled players from Germany who have spent most of their lives living and playing overseas. There were also other players already on the team with dual citizenship.

This ultimately gave a spark on the team and they were able to make it past the "group of death" who no one expected would happen. They eventually fell to Belgium in a close game in one of the most exciting runs I have seen so far.

All you needed was the eye test and it was evident there as more skill on the field than previous world cups.

According to Inc magazine, 25% of today's newly started businesses in the United States are started by immigrants, and are two times more likely to start a business than native born citizens.

I think it's safe to say the good ole red white and blue are seriously lacking in talent and creativity when competing at the global scale.

As of right now it's very difficult for immigrants to get highly skilled work visas and even more difficult to maintain residency due to the political game in Washington. This results in U.S based tech companies having a hard time getting the best talent available and potential U.S immigrants going elsewhere. As a country we are losing the global game and need immigration reform.

If we weren't allowed to get these players on our U.S team we would have gotten murdered in the group stage.

In order for the United States to compete on a global scale and remain an economic power we need the best skilled people who just happen be non U.S citizens. It sucks but that's the reality.

Sure, we can keep our American pride of mediocrity and get our asses kicked in the group stage. Or we can compete on a global scale, swallow our pride and get these immigrants in here to kick some ass.


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