Friday, February 6, 2015

New Favorite Vine/ Scene in a Movie/ Thing Tom Cruise has done

I love a select few things in this world and one of those things is my Alma Mater, the University of Illinois at Urban-  Champaign.

Ever since I have graduated, I traveled down to my favorite part of Illinois plenty of times. Sometimes it is for work, sometimes it is for drinking, sometimes it's a mixture of both work and drinking (this is more likely). Whenever I know I am traveling down, I don't need extra motivation. I look forward to it all week and, like a kid on christmas morning, I wake up the day of my trip down to central Illinois full of anticipation on what is about to come.

Well, last night, I saw a vine posted on twitter from an Illinois Sports Blogger that  now be posted every time I travel down to U of I

The scene comes from the Tom Cruise classic "Risky Business. "From what I remember from the movie I watched on Cinemax (more like Skin-e-max!) when I was 11, Cruise has the house to himself, his friend calls him a square, he gets a prostitute, prostitute steals his stuff, hilarity ensues . Booger from Revenge of the Nerds is in it too. Well, my new favorite quote in movies was set up after Tom realizes that his last ditch effort to get into an Ivy league school has been for nothing and he will not make it in.

(Check out the full scene here)

I saw a comment saying, "I wonder if this ruins a degree from Illinois." It doesn't. The scene is rad. Illinois is rad. Ivy league is not rad . Like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie.

Vine provided by Robert

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