Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Girl rightfully shames dude for breaking up with her via text

Everybody knows that breaking up with your significant other over a text message is the coward's way out. Taking a very serious and important conversation and removing all actual confrontation and the inconvenience of having to look them in the face and tell them why you are calling it off is obviously the easiest way to deal with that difficult situation, but it makes you a pussy and is 10 times as hurtful. It also automatically makes you the bad guy. The girl could be an awful person, and your reasons for breaking up can be totally valid, but as soon as you break up via text you become the asshole and people who would originally take your side may switch and think that you're the prick. 

In the social media age that we are in right now, with screen shotting and facebooking, you are bound to come out just getting shamed in front of all of your friends and family. That's what happened to this fellow, who listed the reasons he was breaking up with his girl, and is now going viral on the internet. Hell, he even made it onto a WhatSupTho post, and we have readers in 10 different countries (seriously though)

'6 Reasons for Breaking Up Text' Is Epic, Goes Viral

What a dork. This girl sounds like the total package to me. Let's break this down point by point.

1. She won't change her relationship status? Maybe a little shady, but at least you know she isn't the crazy stalking type. I would much rather have a girl who doesn't care what the social media world thinks about her relationship than a girl who wants to be in a relationship after the first date. Facebook can cause major problems in relationships, but usually it isn't because the guy isn't getting enough attention.

2. He isn't going to a wedding with her this weekend. Again, this might seem a little shady. Evidently these two were together a little under 2 months. He probably hasn't met all of her friends, probably hasn't met all of her family. I love weddings, but having to go meet EVERYONE at the same time that soon into a relationship is intimidating as hell. Not having to go to that would be incredible. 

3. Rude to his cat. The fact that you are a dude who owns a cat makes you a creep. A girl who is comfortable dating a man with a cat is already a red flag. If she is walking in your place and saying "fuck your cat, it sucks" then you need to put a ring on that finger right now.

4. Doesn't share her time equally. Spending too much time with her friends. THIS GIRL IS PERFECT. That means you get to spend all of those nights with your guy friends, she won't judge you for drinking too much, and your friends won't get on your case for spending too much time with your girl. I think I am falling in love with this girl.

5. Swears a lot? Okay, I am definitely falling for her. 

6. Won't confess to how many guys shes banged? Who cares? She is sleeping with you now, none of that other shit should matter. Ignorance is always bliss in this situation. You don't want to know. She doesn't want to know. Don't ask don't tell. 

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