Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Aaron Rodgers still has a chip on his shoulder, for some reason.

In my opinion, Aaron Rodgers is the best player in the NFL. As a Packer fan, I know that we are insanely fortunate that he fell to 24th overall in the 2005 draft. Growing up in Chicago where I've watched the Bears go from shitty quarterback to shitty quarterback until they finally found Cutty, I will always be grateful that I got to transition from cheering for Brett Favre to Aaron Rodgers. He's a treat to watch, he's a league MVP, he's a Super Bowl MVP, he's the NFL's all time highest rated passer.

He's also kind of a bitch.

We have all heard the story about how poor wittle Arod didn't get any D1 offers out of high school and had to play a year at Butte Community College before he got a scholarship from Cal. Then the guy who we should all feel so sorry for gets drafted in the 1st round of the NFL draft. Why should we feel sorry for him? Well because he didn't go number one overall, even though he grew up near San Fransisco so apparently that gives the 49ers an obligation to choose him. Devastating.

Gotta admit, him just sitting there while everyone else who showed up for the draft got picked had to be pretty embarrassing. 

Then when this poor soul got the chance to start, some people were sad because they still wanted Brett Favre. Tough situation to be in, but blown way out of proportion by the media.

So now after this guy has made it, no longer a nobody. He's got fans and announcers riding his dick every time his name is mentioned. He is still sitting there bitching, and we should all feel so sorry for him.

When Rodgers came out and whined about Illinois not offering him a scholarship, a lot of Illini fans got upset. Aaron Rodgers did not want to come to fucking Champaign, IL. There is no way in hell. According to my trusty source (wikipedia) he wanted to attend Florida State University, but they didn't want him. Also on wikipedia, the Illini gave him a chance to compete for a scholarship and he declined. Apparently he went to their camp and did not earn the spot. But boo fucking hoo. You are now a Super Bowl champion and the Illini are getting blown out by Purdue at home. Stop trying to make us pity you because you had to go to community college for a year. 

I couldn't be happier that the Illini dropped the ball by not landing Rodgers. Had he gone here, things might have been way different and he might not have ended up with the Packers. He might not have led us to a championship. He might not be covering up his homosexuality with a smoking hot Olivia Munn. I love you Aaron, but this is not how most straight men kiss a girl. 

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