Monday, October 13, 2014

Boardwalk Recap- "Devil You Know"

WARNING- There are spoilers all up in this bitch.

A lot went down in this episode, as you would expect with the series coming to a close. Boardwalk said goodbye to two of its major (and best) characters, and got us real excited for the war that Nucky will be going to in the final two episodes. Below are a few thoughts I had while watching "Devil You Know"

- Present day Nucky is feeling guilty about Sally's death, so he does the right thing and gets blackout drunk and tries to swing a threesome. I love that move. However, the prick tease white trash girls he's pursuing end up beating him up and robbing him. His story ends with a bunch of soldiers in his home ready to go to war with him. Mickey Doyle seems to be his new right hand man, which is awesome because Mickey Doyle has no business being alive.

- While drunk Nucky was pretty funny, it felt like a colossal waste of time to me. With only 3 episodes left it didn't really feel necessary to have an entire episode showing the main character getting shitfaced and talking to strangers. I get they were trying to show that he is a mess, but one scene could easily have done that.

- Young Nucky has now knocked up the love of his life. I didn't realize it happened when he was so young. Unfortunately, we know how that works out for them. He is also assigned to track down a thief that has been stealing shit around the boardwalk. Him and a young Eli end up catching the kid underneath the boardwalk (which reminds me of Richard's death every time they show it. RIP Richard) and she identifies herself to be Gillian Darmody.

- Can it be said that the casting for these flashbacks was brilliant. Child Nucky did a fantastic job, but this guy they got playing him as a teenager is uncanny. He does an excellent job getting Buscemi's mannerisms and faces down. This is a compliment to Marc Pickering, but it also feels like a pretty big insult. Can you imagine getting a job because you look like Steve Buscemi? Not a lot of people I would be more upset about looking like.

- Van Alden and Eli fuck up when trying to go get information for the feds trying to bring down Capone. Capone's brother catches them trying to take money or some shit and plans to have them killed. However, the person set to take them out is actually the Fed who put them up to turning on Al in the first place, so it looks like they will get away safely. But it's television, so as they are being led away in walks Al who takes time to question the two about why they tried to steal from him. Van Alden has one of his crazy ass fits and admits to his old identity as a prohi while attempting to strangle the country's most notorious gangster in his own home. This leads to him getting his head blown off, and Eli admitting that the Feds had made them turn.

- It felt like the writers ran out of shit to do with Van Alden and Eli, but they are great characters so they decided to keep them around. It was pretty clever turning them into their own little dysfunctional version of the Untouchables.

- The series has had 3 actors nominated for an Emmy in its 5 season run. Buscemi, Kelly Mcdonald for Margaret Schroeder (woof), and Bobby Cannavale won one for the insane Gyp Rosetti. It is about time Stephen Graham gets some damn credit for his portrayal of Al Capone. He makes the show fun to watch. He's been fantastic this whole time but now with Al all fucked up on cocaine and becoming a national celebrity, Graham has done an excellent job throughout the entire series and I would be disappointed if he doesn't at least get a nod in this years supporting category.

-RIP Van Alden. 

There was a time where I would have loved to see the back of this bastard's head blown off like our 35th president of these United States. However, the past couple seasons have turned his life into a joke. You couldn't help but feel pity for the guy. That's why I don't think that he would be all that upset with how things ended for him. He had a miserable wife that cheated on him with his only "friend" in Eli. He was stuck doing illegal work for a psychopath. He had nothing. He got to have one last little crazy outburst of anger, and then it was lights out.

- Chalky White also met a bitter end in this episode. He had Dr. Narcisse where he wanted him and was gonna get a badass revenge kill that hes been waiting 7 years for. However, that stupid bitch Daughter with her awful name had to go ahead and screw everything up for it. Chalky is in love with her, so he cut a deal that made him start to work for Narcisse if Daughter could be set free. She told his ass not to trust Narcisse, and she was right. First chance he got, he set up a firing squad on Chalky before the episode faded to black.

- I am so confused by the Dr. Narcisse character. I don't know what he does. I don't know who he is. I don't understand his beef with Chalky. All I know is that he fucking sucks.

- Daughter is awful and Chalky will do anything for her because he is in love or whatever. As soon as she showed up, I started to dislike Chalky as a character. He was a badass, that's for sure, but then she came and made him completely abandon his family (and get his daughter killed). For those who have ever been in love, you understand why he started to suck, but it's a lot like watching one of your best friends fall for the wrong girl and watch him become a little pussy because of it (guilty).

- RIP Chalky. Like Van Alden, his death wasn't exactly sad. He was a great character (not nearly as good as Williams's Omar Little) but he had nothing left. He lost his family, he lost his club, he was just a fugitive out for revenge. He sacrificed himself, and he accepted his death when he knew it was coming. The deaths of Van Alden and Chalky weren't nearly as heartbreaking as Richard Harrow's because life was about done for them. Richard finally had made it out of the game and was about to live his dream life with the people he loved. I will never get over it.

-Here's the last time Michael Kenneth Williams died on HBO. "I'm out here in these streets e'ryday."

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