Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Packers Week 8 Recap

Getting your ass beat is never fun unless, ya know, you're into that type of shit. This loss was particularly shitty to watch for a lot of reasons. It is silly to call a Week 8 game against a non-divisional opponent a "must win", so I am just gonna go ahead a call it a "game that would have been really big had we came up with a victory". I don't want to spend too much time on this one, so let's get into it why it sucked

- The Lions won on a gift from the refs calling a delay of game a tad bit early on a last second missed field goal, so we needed to win to keep pace with them, especially since we have already lost to them head-to-head.

- We had a chance to bury the Bears. Still looks grim for them after the beating they took at the hands of Brady and Gronk, but they didn't lose any ground on us.

- Losing sucks way more in primetime in front of a national audience. Losing by 21 is like wetting the bed at a sleepover with a bunch of your guy friends. Losing by 21 on Sunday Night Football is like wetting the bed after you finally got to bang the girl you've been chasing for months.

- I am so tired of hearing what a great play caller Mike McCarthy is only to see him waste a 2nd and goal play by throwing a quick slant to Julius Fucking Peppers. This isn't the last game of little league where you let the shitty kid who spent the year getting the minimum innings in right field get his try at pitching or shortstop. This is the NFL and this is the Superdome. Then the onside kick about a minute later? Did someone lace that fat fuck's cheese curds with drugs before the game? No way he wasn't high.

- I don't want to hear about Dom Capers and his "exotic" blitzing anymore. What the fuck does that even mean? If they are exotic then that means they are unconventional. If they are unconventional it means they are probably ill-advised. Judging by the fact that we gave up 44 points, I am pretty sure exotic is just another word for stupid. I can't wait til this dude is fired.

- Aaron Rodgers was on a crazy interception pace and now it's just "eh". Okay, I know 19TDs to 3 int is still incredible... but it's not as sexy as 19 to 1. All three of Aaron's interceptions have been on balls that have been tipped by his receivers. By know means am I saying they have been great throws, but probably shouldn't have been interceptions. 

No gay text messaging with my friends just this week. Just a depressed silence.

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